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it outsourcing company

05 Benefits Of An IT Managed Services Provider For Your Organization

IT managed services offer businesses an opportunity to focus on their core business functions without worrying about maintaining an IT department or even worrying about their IT needs at all. Outsourcing IT in your organization to a Managed Service Provider (MSP), can reduce your in-house workloads, increase IT efficiency and minimize IT downtimes, through effective […]

Technology Agile

Why The Agile Development Cycle Is The Way For Efficient Software Development

From front-end developers to API innovators, today’s advancements in tools, technologies, and the cloud make it an exciting time to be developing software and services. Over the past two years having gone through the rollercoaster of global events, one of the major shifts we’ve come to realize is how reliant we’d become on digital infrastructure, […]


Is Edge Computing The Way To Go?

Edge computing represents the fourth major paradigm shift in modern computing. The mainframes of the 1950s and ’60s were the first, followed by the shift to the client/server model of the ’70s and ’80s, a model that lasted well into the early 2000s. The cloud was the third major shift, a development pioneered by Amazon’s […]